About PMIA

Celebration of music


Parai Musical International Awards is named after an
India’s most famous, emotional musical instrument “Parai”. It is
a traditional percussion instrument (Drum) of South India having
its root in Tamilnadu (Tamil speaking South Indian state).
In Tamil language which is one of the oldest languages of
the world, “Parai” means “To speak” or “To tell”. The drums were
used for multiple purposes including signaling people to
gather, alerting them to upcoming war, requesting civilians to
leave the battlefield, announcing victory or defeat, stopping a
breach of water body, gathering farmers for farming activities,
warning wild animals about people’s presence, during festivals,
weddings and other celebrations, and as part of worship of
This is the reason behind naming our festival with such an
emotional, musical word “Parai”. We at PMIA, focus towards
finding and recognizing the extreme talents in the field of
music. There are so many minds behind this Music world. PMIA is
traveling towards bringing all these masterminds to the outside

We are a monthly festival receiving entries from all over
the world. Once after the entries and judgment, we would
organize the Grand screening event. During this screening, the
top musical entries will be screened, following which the
winners will be announced. If you have a Film, short Film, Short
video, Song, Music Album, Music video, Independent song, then
you are at the right place. Yes! You can trust PMIA and submit
your works.